Carolann macmaster
Carolann macmaster

Environmentally friendly signs around school Drama with environmental message looking at different viewpoints. Information from exchange school in Germany. Modern Languages Liaison with CDT, Bus Ed and Drama M Cordner (with CDT and Bus Ed) M Bream (with Drama) Conserving water.

carolann macmaster

Posters Term 3 Classwork and posters S2 Maths Under consideration PE Liaison with SE B Henderson and dept With SE ‘ Ditch the car – it’s not that far, get on your bike or take a hike to school’ Indoor cycling competition with classes on 23 rd May day Posters Term 3 Health promoting assembly Cycling competitions Posters S1 – 3

carolann macmaster

Possible decoration of foyer (under discussion) Portraiture, looking at the visual means of recording human life through portraiture painting and photography Drawings of exotic and endangered species Feb – Apr / may display completed Possible visit to Portrait Gallery, and / or speaker display S3 S2 Geography Liaison with Physics and Drama S McGhee and dept Class work on global warming. Written report, display and model of their idea 6 S2 pupils Music C Madden and dept Possible musical composition and performance (under discussion) Art Liaison with Drama R White P Rodgers Art work based on landscapes.

  • CDT J Thomas and dept Creation of model designed to conserve water and stop water waste in school (UK competition run by Go4SET, supported by an industrial mentor from Halcrow Engineering) Current and by end Feb 10 week programme Developing model where rainwater could be collected & stored for use as grey water which, after filtration, could be used in toilets.
  • Nutritional depletion S5/6 History C Moodie and dept Essay competition Term 3 S1 - 3 English J Caldicott Debates on Environmental Issues Term 3 S1 - 3
  • Our Planet – a Thoughtful Approach What are you doing for the 23rd of May? Departments Staff What When How Which groups Drama Liaison with Art & Geography J Rae Displaced Peoples (stimulus – Salgado’s photography) Feb – End of March Intellectual stimulation S3 Standard Grade Chemistry S MacFarlane Fossil Fuels – causes and cures of pollution current Presenting to class, with powerpoints displayed in foyer S3 Standard Grade Business Education Liaison with departments B McGurk and dept Support with posters, powerpoint etc As required Liaison with departments Home Economics S Auchterlonie Food and Flower airmiles / impacts.
  • Our Planet A Thoughtful Approach…… 2008.
  • Curriculum for Excellence and School Libraries: the Edinburgh Experience Cleo Jones.
  • Curriculum for Excellence and school libraries: the Edinburgh experience

    Carolann macmaster